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Smartphones use binoculars for telephoto shots

Technology World

There are already plenty of telephoto lenses that you can add onto the lens port of your smartphone case, but Honolulu-based inventors Daniel Fujikake and Mac Nguyen have come up with an alternative. Their Snapzoom device is a universal adapter mount, that lets you use your existing binoculars to bring your smartphone closer to the action.

While it’s true that you could just hold the lens of your phone up to one eyepiece of the binoculars, the Snapzoom allows users to set the phone to the optimum position and then keep it there. The device can also be used with things like spotting scopes, telescopes and microscopes.

According to its inventors, Snapzoom works with any make or model of smartphone, with or without a case. Presumably that universality also applies to the brands of binoculars that it clamps onto.